The Texas Regional Pathways Network (TRPN) builds regional talent pipelines that spur economic growth across the state and ensure that all Texans have the skills and credentials needed for economic advancement. The TRPN brings together state and regional leaders to build strong educational and career pathways that prepare Texans for careers in high-wage, in-demand industries. Leaders engaged in the TRPN represent multiple sectors, including K–12 education, postsecondary education, workforce and economic development, business and industry, government, and nonprofit and community-based organizations.
Launched in 2019, the TRPN supports Governor Abbott’s Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative, through which the Texas Education Agency, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and Texas Workforce Commission are working collaboratively to increase economic prosperity in Texas by linking education and industry.
The Texas Regional Pathways Network currently includes two initiatives: Tri-Agency Regional Convener grantees funded by funds through House Bill 1525 and Regional Pathway Teams funded by federal Perkins CTE Reserve funds. Tri-Agency Regional Convener grantees are focused on developing regional pathways infrastructure and have goals to create systems that support scalable and sustainable pathways aligned with industry demand. These organizations are working towards being designated as the Regional Convener for their workforce development area. The Regional Pathway Teams are focused on implementing pathways aligned to a specific targeted industry and developing goals around student outcomes.
The TRPN supports cross-sector teams of regional stakeholders who are building regional education and career pathways that align with labor market demand. It facilitates peer learning, strategic planning, and sharing of best practices, challenges, and lessons learned in pathways development. The TRPN convenes annually, and members also have access to an array of Tri-Agency and other state resources, including funding and technical assistance opportunities.
Regional conveners are important leaders in the network. Tri-Agency Regional Conveners are assessed in four leadership domains: regional alignment, regional work-based learning, regional data infrastructure, and regional communications.
The Texas Regional Pathways Network is a shared initiative of the Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative, a collaboration among the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and the Texas Workforce Commission. The TRPN is led by a Steering Committee composed of high-level, strategic state leaders—representing industry, K–12 and postsecondary education and workforce development—who advance the work of the Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative and guide the development of regional efforts that promote our state’s economic growth.
The Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative has identified and is working toward the following three high-priority focus areas:
Support efficient and flexible pathways to earning degrees, certificates, and other credentials linked to high-wage, in-demand jobs.
Ensure students receive the supports necessary to succeed at all stages of their educations and in their transitions to the workforce.
Create a robust infrastructure for interagency collaboration around common goals, data, and processes to ensure improved student outcomes and meet employers’ needs.
The TRPN is staffed by JFF, a national nonprofit that drives change in the American workforce and education systems to promote economic advancement for all.
JFF supports the TRPN by creating tools and resources that support pathways development and implementation, providing coaching to grant recipients, hosting network-wide events, and facilitating the Tri-Agency Workforce Initiative leadership team.